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Father-Words for You, too


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Father Words for You Too!
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“Father-Words for You, Too”

God’s Motivational Words to His Children, God Father Quotes

Life, and Love for Him: Motivational Words from God, our Father

For all those who seek a life closer to God: Motivational Words of the eternal Father to His child. God-Father Quotes for each one of us for a more loving and fulfilling life with Him.  So comes this guide for all people on the way to a conscious life in God.

In this small book, Gabriele shares gifts from the Spirit of God, which she was privileged to receive. God-Father’s motivational words are also directed to each of us, His children, to accept and absorb. That’s because God, the eternal Spirit, the Father of all of us, speaks unceasingly in the depths of our infinitely eternal being. Though we have distanced ourselves from Him through our ego, He steadfastly loves us and longs for each one of us to be with Him.

Motivational God-Father Quotes from the Book:

“To Give Makes One Free”

“My child, you have everything to that I have. Recognize and grasp this statement in its depth. …

Therefore, My child, accept everything as it is and do not complain! Everything that happens to you, joy and sorrow, is you, yourself. You are the builder of your fate, but you are also the conqueror of your true, eternal heritage.”

“True Freedom”

“My child, to be free means to be free from oneself.

What does being free mean? When a person’s striving and aspiration is to please only God, he will not make the opinion of his neighbor his own. He will not make the opinion of his neighbor his own. He will not make the longings and desires of his neighbor his own. His longing consists in pleasing God, so that he will grow ever closer to Me, the Eternal. …”

“The Beauty of the Soul”

“The beauty of the soul is its purity. You attain this beauty through a noble disposition and selfless, lofty thoughts. The more selfless you become and the nobler your thoughts and your basic attitude are, the more beautiful your soul will become.

Only beauty and nobility can flow from a beautiful, pure soul. …”

A Parting Motivation to Start Your Day

“Come to Me at every moment. Talk everything over with your Father whose spirit dwells in you. I, the life, want to lead and guide you.”

Truly, life is easier with God!

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