The Free Universal Spirit is the teaching of the love for God and neighbor toward people, nature and animals



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eBook – Nearer to God In You

The Word of Christ of God to Mankind
Before This World Passes Away


Nearer to God In You
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Product Information

Believe, trust, hope and endure! What do these mean and how can we apply them on our way to God? How do we turn belief into an active faith? How do we develop trust? Hope is expressed in setting goals that are carried out with confidence. What does it mean to endure in the divine sense? Experience the Inner Path in condensed form. Simple, clear words, given to all people who long for God and a fulfilled, happy life in freedom. A gift from God to all His human children.

An excerpt:

“The one who includes the rule of life of Jesus, the Christ, in his human “computer world”—”What you do not want others to do to you, do not do to others either”—and keeps it, will soon recognize that this all- encompassing law of inner life—since it leads us to our inner life!—not only holds for people, but also for nature and the animals and for everything that lives on, in and over the Earth. From this a feeling of unity develops, a quality of life that makes the person free. Then, he will soon sense what a fulfilled life means. This short Inner Path makes us free and happy. It is really very simple and easy to follow, given in very simple words—a great chance for many, who want to take the hand of Christ and use their days on Earth!”

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Nearer to God In You
eBook – Nearer to God In You