The Free Universal Spirit is the teaching of the love for God and neighbor toward people, nature and animals



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eBook – From Abraham to Gabriele


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Product Information

A book on divine prophecy and the adversaries of the prophets, from Abraham to Gabriele who brought the plan of God to the Earth. The author draws a great bow that encompasses the word of God and allows us to recognize the great plan of God, which has been drawn uninterruptedly throughout the millennia: The return of all fallen beings into the eternal Father’s house—from Abraham, about 4000 years ago, to Gabriele today. The word of the prophets is being fulfilled – despite the ill will and hostilities of the priestly religions.

The works of all the emissaries of God are not some sort of patchwork that developed by chance, in which the word of the Eternal is brought to the people here and there. The prophetic Spirit, which is active through the bearers of the word, is embedded in the great plan of the Kingdom of God to guide back the fallen beings, which in the very basis of their souls, are divine beings from the eternal homeland. Through the call of His messengers, the Eternal, the universal, free Spirit, God, wants to move us human beings to turn back and change our ways and to show us the way home, back to the Father’s house. Like a string of pearls, the word of God is directed to us human beings, according to the people’s state of consciousness of the respective time and their society, in an ever broader and more comprehensive scope, with ever more in-depth spiritual teachings for us human beings.

A sample:

“Through the prophet Hosea, the Eternal announced, as stated, a covenant with the animals. He said: ‘And I will make for them a covenant on that day with the beasts of the field, the birds of the heavens, and the creeping things of the ground. And … I will make you lie down in safety.’

That day is here. During our time, a further part of His divine plan is being fulfilled. the Eternal is carrying out what He announced to mankind through His prophets: The foundation of the Kingdom of Peace of Jesus, the Christ, is being established during this time.”

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eBook – From Abraham to Gabriele