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God Heals


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God Heals
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Product Information

What person does not need healing? Many know about the central power in the inner being of a person, which is also the healing power in us. Yet, how can we open these health-bringing divine forces in us? A fullness of indications and advice are given in this book, among other, a practical exercise in positive thinking that allows us to experience how quickly and directly the positive forces can be effective.

It describes, for example, how we can remove negative thoughts from our consciousness and what is important in prayer. It explains the right body posture as a preparation for the inflow of the healing forces and how we can address our individual organs ourselves. But since neither soul nor person can free themselves in a brief time from old, deeply rooted and imprinted ideas and habits, Gabriele also indicates what each person can do in view of a good working relationship with a medical doctor.

An excerpt:

“We can transform down the positive powers present in us through base thoughts, through the acknowledgement of illness, fate, need, hopelessness and the like to such an extent, that our body becomes weaker and weaker. From a spiritual viewpoint, this means that the core of being in our soul, the energy potential through which the divine powers flow into us, becomes less active and is able to attract less and less energy of the Spirit. Furthermore, this means that the soul receives less and less life-giving energy and the physical body receives even less. Weakened organs thus become susceptible to illnesses, because they lack life force, that is, the energy of God.”

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