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eBook – My Life that I Chose Myself


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My Life that I Chose Myself – how can we understand this? What is life, anyway, and why is it shaped so differently for each person individually?

Gabriele, the prophetess and emissary of God for our time, explains that our life is so much more than we generally perceive. If we would view our life on Earth as a short stage, as a short course of becoming, then we could better integrate ourselves in the total cosmic context. We would understand and learn what birth and dying signify, for instance, in view of our eternal being. From a higher point of view, we would assign a totally different meaning, a totally different value, to the circumstances and occurrences during the course of our life on Earth – thus learning how to make better use of our days on Earth!

A sample from the text:

“A person’s behavior patterns are the result of his feelings, his sensations, thoughts, his words and actions, of everything that he feels, thinks, speaks and does, day after day. This then becomes the imprint of his body, and he gradually becomes this. This is, then, the human being, and accordingly, his soul. And so, what a person does in the way of what is good and God-pleasing for the benefit of his body and his soul or expects of it in the way of what is less good, that is, bad, that is what he calls ‘his life.'”

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eBook – My Life that I Chose Myself