The Free Universal Spirit is the teaching of the love for God and neighbor toward people, nature and animals



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The Path to Cosmic Consciousness

Happiness, Freedom and Peace


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The path to cosmic consciousness – in the vastness of inner life and toward a living communication and familiarity with the Christ of God. This life in nearness to God makes us happy.

“So many a one will now ask: Well, what is God? Or: Who is God? – God is not the God of the institutional churches. God is the almighty Creator-power. God is the All-Being, ultimately, the eternal, pure, cosmic consciousness, which can be circumscribed with cosmic, eternal love. It is also circumscribed with the eternal law of love, which, in turn, is freedom and peace. When we use the word “God,” we should always become aware that it is not the God of the institutional churches; it is the God of freedom; it is the Creator of all pure being. It is the Creator of the Kingdom of God, of which Jesus, the Christ, spoke: “The Kingdom of God is within, in You.”

We should, or better said, we must, one day all find our way to the indwelling kingdom, which is nothing more than the cosmic consciousness deep in our soul, for we are beings of light, beings of the cosmic consciousness. We are beings from the All-power and love of God. It was not man who created the cosmic consciousness. It was not man who created our soul, the being of the eternal Being, but God. It is the law of life.

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