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The Song of the Climate Change — Every Country Has Its Stanzas

The Long Darkness and the Light


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The Spiritual Cause for Climate Change: The Song of Climate Change and Every Country has its Stanzas. Is Climate Change Karmic?
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Learn about God and Climate Change: The time has come for the eternal All-One to give a brief overview on the times of times up to the depiction of how things are today on the Earth.

Perhaps some have asked “Is Climate Change Karmic?” Does it relate to the “Reap What You Sow”, as Jesus warned us, or what is there to know about “God and Climate Change”?

An excerpt:

“The exorbitant abuse of energies—and this, from the very beginning—has not been nullified, for energy cannot be lost, neither the energies from yesterday nor those of today.”

We all know “no energy is lost”…  How does this apply in the increased disasters being experienced on this Earth? What is clear: Every country has its stanzas…

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The Spiritual Cause for Climate Change: The Song of Climate Change and Every Country has its Stanzas. Is Climate Change Karmic?
The Song of the Climate Change — Every Country Has Its Stanzas