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Who Was Jesus of Nazareth?

His Childhood and Youth


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Followers of the Nazarene give an authentic report on the life of Jesus of Nazareth including Jesus’s life as a young man – free of the interpretations and falsifications of historians servile to the church. Their sources are divine revelations, which Christ Himself has given through Gabriele.

His descriptions of His life on Earth as Jesus of Nazareth – about His parents, Mary and Joseph, His spiritual struggles, His love for the animals, the beginning of His teaching years – touch our hearts and are a symbol for humankind. Jesus’s life as a young man may surprise many who have until now relied only on the Bible. But Christ will not be silenced by theologians and historians.

Reading Sample: “When I grew older and My soul passed from childhood into adolescence, God revealed Himself in more visions … Through this, My soul was trained in love and mercy. Even as a child, I had spiritual powers that I sometimes applied wrongly, and from which I, Jesus, could also learn.

The law says: Every human being and every soul will continue to be led by way of their own mistakes and weaknesses, until they recognize them and work on themselves.” 

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