The Free Universal Spirit is the teaching of the love for God and neighbor toward people, nature and animals



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eBook – You, the Animal – You, the Human Being. Which Has Higher Values?

A Life with Our Animal Brothers and Sisters


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Did you know that animals have a soul? Our animal brothers and sisters can also communicate in very fine and sensitive way. For example, they take in the odor of our feelings, thoughts and words via scent-pictures—and behave accordingly. We can also establish direct communication with them via input of sound-picture messages.

Liobani, a pure spirit being, teaches us to understand our second neighbor, to respect them as friends and she shows us how to treat them in the right way. In this way, the animals can also become free of the programs with which the human being has enslaved, deformed, violated and burdened them.

A revelation with until now unknown tips about the inner life of the animals and which makes clear: Animals have a soul. A valuable advisor for every animal friend.

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eBook – You, the Animal – You, the Human Being. Which Has Higher Values?