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This Is My Word, Alpha and Omega
The Gospel of Jesus: The Christ-Revelation, Which True Christians the World Over Have Come to Know
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Gabriele Publishing House The Word
ISBN: 978-3-96446-313-5
Article Nr.: S007EN
1116 pages, Hardbound, 5th Edition, Including an Audio CD ("The Call of the Christ of God" and "The Appearance," given in 2017 via Gabriele)
Weight 1028 g, Dimensions 18.3 x 13.4 x 4.7 cm
Product Information
Early Christian Teachings
Jesus’s Teachings in Ancient Christianity & Jesus in the Apocrypha
Historical Jesus: The True Teachings of Ancient Christianity
In this book, Christ explains His life to us as the historical Jesus of Nazareth, but also reveals Jesus’ true teachings as given to His Apostles and Disciples at the time. These Christian teachings, unsullied by church leaders, lay the bedrock for ancient Christianity, an original and early Christianity founded on peace and love for one’s neighbor. For this, Christ builds upon a Christian apocryphal text and the “apocryphal Jesus” to explain and correct not only about His life, but also His teachings of that time. Indeed, for anyone who seeks them, the teachings of the Christ of God have never been clearer than at this time in history!
In this historical work, Christ addresses all people and clarifies what He taught as Jesus of Nazareth, what His life on Earth was like, and He explains the correlations concerning the great Work of Redemption. Therefore, Christ takes up the events of the past, explains them in light of the present and also speaks into the future, to the people who will one day live in the Kingdom of Peace of Jesus Christ.
Christ, the Co-Regent of the Kingdom of God, reveals via a prophetess, Gabriele, the facts about His life and His works as Jesus of Nazareth. Learn the truth directly from Christ, Himself—free of theological opinions and interpretations.
A sample from the Apocrypha, The Gospel of Jesus:
A historical example of Jesus teaching His disciples to pray from the heart. From the apocryphal text Gospel of Jesus, with a deepening through the prophetic word:
As Jesus was praying on a mountain, some of His disciples came to Him, and one of them said, “Lord teach us how we should pray.” And Jesus said to him, “When you pray, go into your quiet chamber. And when you have closed the door, pray to the Father who is above you and within you. And your Father, who also sees the outermost, will answer you openly.
But when you are gathered and pray together, do not use vain repetitions, for your heavenly Father knows what you need before you have asked Him. Therefore, you should pray like this:
Our Father, You who are above us and in us, hallowed be Your name. May Your kingdom come to all in wisdom, love and justice. …
I, Christ, explain, correct and deepen the word:
“Formulated prayers, which are only repeated word for word, have little power, for they come from the mind and not from the heart. Casually spoken words are not vivified. They do not reach God in the innermost of the person, because he has not vivified them with a life that is from God. Intellectual prayers may lead the person even more astray, who has already lost his way through his incorrect way of thinking and living. The one who prays but behaves differently than what he says in prayer falls into more burdens.
Therefore, you should pray from the heart. And when you say your prayers aloud, they should be vivified by the inner life that I Am. That is why the only thing that matters is to pray from the heart, and not just speak the words. … “
Further Excerpts of Christ’s explanations of The Gospel of Jesus:
Christ explains teachings attributed to Jesus in the apocrypha. He speaks about the unity between people and communion with all life:
“The one who loves the inner being of a person is linked with all people and beings. He will never be alone or lonely, because he retains the good of his neighbor in himself. The commandment, ‘It is not good for man to be alone’ is fulfilled only in this way. God is unity—and the one who lives in God lives in communion with all Being. And all Being, all that is pure, is with him and works through him. Only the person who rejects and denigrates his fellow people is lonely.”
We also receive Christ’s insight into this current base world, and what is coming in the New Era, founded upon Him:
“And in today’s turn of time, there is still the “for” and “against” of the human ego; for even the people in the developing and growing original communities still have human aspects in and of themselves. …”
“In the current awakening for a New Era, a far greater stream of Original Christian life is flowing into this world and becoming more and more visible. This inexhaustible divine stream—the Christ-consciousness together with the divine Wisdom—is gradually taking hold of the whole world, the entire Earth, and is preparing the New Era.”
From the Contents: The Historical Life of Jesus, and Teachings of Universal Truth
The Life of the Historical Jesus of Nazareth, and the Early Christian Teachings
- The Birth of Jesus; The Worship of the Wise Men and Herod
- The Childhood and Youth of Jesus
- The Four Temptations; The Anointing of Jesus by Mary Magdalene
- The Transfiguration of Jesus
- Washing the Feet — The Last Supper
- The Interrogation Before the High Priest Caiaphas; The Remorse of Judas
- Jesus’ Words of Farewell
- The Risen Jesus Appears to Two Disciples at Emmaus; Jesus Appears to His Disciples and at the Sea of Galilee; The Ascension
Historical Jesus’s Years of Teaching. Ancient Christian Miracles
- Jesus Teaches How to Pray
- The Raising of the Daughter of Jairus — Raising the Youth of Nain from the Dead
- Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
- The Feeding of the Five Thousand — Jesus Walks on Water
- The Calling of Andrew and Peter — The Dog trainer — The Rich Ones
- The Calling of Matthew — New Wine in Old Skins
- The Healing at the Pool of Bethesda; Jesus Feeds a Thousand People and Heals on the Sabbath
- Healing the One Born Blind — The Question of the Sadducees about Resurrection
Jesus and the Animals, early Christian teachings on Kindness and Unity
- The Conversion of the Bird Catcher
- About Killing Animals, Blood Sacrifice and the Forgiveness of Sins
- The Love of Jesus for All Creatures
The Parables of Jesus, Deepened from the Bible and Christian Apocrypha
- Jesus Reveals the Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven
- The Parable of the Ten Virgins
- The Parable of the Talents
- The Parables of the Prodigal Son and on Divine Judgment
Universal Truths, applicable not just for Ancient Christianity
- The Rebirth of the Soul
- Jesus Prophesies the End of an Age; About Death, Rebirth and Life
- The Cleansing of the Temple; Jesus taught about the Law of Cause and Effect
- The true meaning of the deed of Redemption of Jesus, the Christ
- Conditions for healing the body
and much more …
Included with the Hardbound Book: An Audio CD
The CD included with the hardbound book has two revelations with the Eternal Word from the Kingdom of God:
- “The Call of the Christ of God”
- “The Appearance,” given in 2017 through Gabriele.
Historical Jesus? …Apocryphal Jesus? …Or: Christ Today?
The true teachings of the historical figure Jesus of Nazareth are not relegated to antiquity. Christ, the great Spirit lives today, and His Work continues. Though many of His teachings in ancient Christianity were lost, mistranslated or corrupted (also in the Christian apocrypha about Jesus), Christ is never silent. The real teachings of the Lord are available to all people, of all cultures worldwide. Christ lives.
This book is available also as a softbound book and an eBook.
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